Sunday, December 28, 2014

Simple and predictable Minecraft server

Minecraft in SCREEN session

You can find a few solutions with screen application, with it you can run Minecraft server in background and access game console. Sadly you cannot easily send commands (eg. /stop) to screen session, existing solutions are sometimes complicated and just don't work.

Solutions found by me are just not enough (in my opinion).

To access screen session from another user account firstly you have to configure screen to allow it. Additionally when in screen session you can accidentally close running server by exiting screen. I've also stumbled on problems with double daemonization - init script cannot find Minecraft PID if screen daemonizes itself.

Exemplary server daemon script using screen command:

Something better

Main problem to solve was access to game console and safe server shutdown to allow Minecraft save world data. And it also enables logging to system logger!

MiencraftD script:

  • server logs are written to system logs

  • start/stop actions available from command line

  • safe shutdown - it is Minecraft server who determines when to exit

  • game console is available

  • sending server commands from command line

  • python 2.7 lub 3.3+

  • python-daemon

  • lockfile

usage: [-h] [--instance INSTANCE] {start,shell,stop,cmd} ...

Minecraft server daemonizer

positional arguments:
    start               Starts minecraft daemon for given instance
    shell               Connects to Minecraft shell of given instance
    stop                Stops Minecraft daemon for given instance
    cmd                 Sends command to given instances shell

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --instance INSTANCE, -i INSTANCE
                        Instance name


This script is part of my portage overlay:

Gentoo overlay:

Ebuild for Minecraft server:

init.d script for MinecraftD:

Again, Minecraft server daemonizer: